Your Trusted Pharmaceuticals Partner in Bangladesh

At Pasteur Pharmatech Solutions (PPS), we aspire to ascend to the zenith of the pharmaceutical landscape, setting the benchmark for excellence in equipment supply and logistical support solutions. Our aim is to cement our position as the epitome of reliability and cost-effectiveness, offering unparalleled services and equipment supply to both the local and global pharmaceutical fraternity.

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We envision a future where we serve as the conduit for delivering world-renowned pharmaceutical manufacturing equipment to end-users, accompanied by comprehensive after-sales support and service. Through this commitment, we aim to catalyze the sustained growth of the industry, fostering a landscape ripe with innovation and progress.

Our primary objective is to elevate customer satisfaction by enhancing the reliability and performance of our service and supply products. We achieve this by setting clear objectives and targets, which we diligently monitor through internal audits and management reviews. This iterative process ensures continuous improvement and excellence in meeting the evolving needs of our clientele.

At Pasteur Pharmatech Solutions (PPS), we aspire to ascend to the zenith of the pharmaceutical landscape, setting the benchmark for excellence in equipment supply and logistical support solutions. Our aim is to cement our position as the epitome of reliability and cost-effectiveness, offering unparalleled services and equipment supply to both the local and global pharmaceutical fraternity.

Our Credentials

United States Pharmacopeia 

The USP is an official, science-based reference publication establishing rigorous quality standards for medicines, food ingredients, and dietary supplements in the United States.


European Pharmacopeia

The EDQM Pharmacopeia is a crucial tool in maintaining the quality, safety, and efficacy of medicines


British Pharmacopeia

The BP is the official collection of quality standards for medicines and pharmaceutical substances.


Borosil Scientific

Borosil Scientific Limited is an Indian company synonymous with precision and quality in the world of laboratory glassware and equipment


Trusted by Industry Leaders

Reference Standards Order Stages

Quotation Stage

At this stage, the customer is required to procure the Commercial Offer for Pasteur Pharmatech Solutions.

Order Stage

At this juncture, the Customer shall designate a Purchase Order to Pasteur Pharmatech Solutions for the purpose of Order Confirmation.

Import Stage

During this stage, Pasteur will proceed with importing the products according to the specific requirements of the customer. 

Delivery Stage

During this stage, Pasteur will arrange for delivery and issue the invoice to the customer. 

History of Pasteur Pharmatech Solutions


Journey Start

Pasteur Pharmatech initiated its journey.


Start Working with Borosil Glassware

Start works with Praj Hipurity


Your title

A timeline is a graphical representation on which important events are marked.


Use this timeline as a part of your resume, to show your visitors what you've done in the past.

House 10, Road 06, Sector 01, Uttara, 
Dhaka 1230, Bangladesh

+88 01716123519